Driving is a valuable life skill, and the feeling of empowerment that comes with being a confident driver cannot be overstated. That is why choosing the right driving school is an important decision, especially if you want to get your licence quickly and without stress. Intensive driving courses at Surrey Driving Force are designed to deliver both fast and efficient training for those looking to get their licence and to instill confidence in drivers who may not have been behind the wheel for a while.

In this blog post, we explore the benefits of intensive driving courses at Surrey Driving Force, a well-known and respected driving school in the UK.

Customised to Your Needs

Intensive driving courses at Surrey Driving Force are customised to fit your driving needs. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced driver, or looking to refresh your driving skills, our courses are designed to deliver a personalized approach. This ensures that you learn at your own pace and in a way that suits your individual needs and requirements. With a team of highly qualified, professional, and experienced instructors at your service, you can feel confident in your ability to learn to drive and pass your test.

Efficient Training

Intensive driving courses are an effective way to learn to drive and are known to deliver quick results. They are designed to be efficient so that you can get your licence quickly and without stress. Our courses are structured to include everything you need to pass your test, including theory and practical training. Our dedicated instructors will guide you through every step of the way to ensure you have the skills and confidence you need to pass your test and get on the road.


Intensive driving courses are a cost-effective way to learn to drive because they are shorter in duration. This means that you don’t have to spend months learning to drive, which can be costly and time-consuming. With an intensive driving course, you get to learn everything in a shorter amount of time, saving you both time and money. This is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules who cannot afford to take weeks off work to learn to drive.


One of the biggest benefits of intensive driving courses at Surrey Driving Force is that they are designed to build confidence. Our experienced instructors understand that many learners often feel anxious or nervous when driving. That’s why our courses are designed to provide a safe and supportive learning environment where you can build your driving skills and confidence at your own pace. With personalized training, hands-on experience, and on-road training, our courses are known to help learners overcome their fears and become confident drivers.

Comprehensive Learning

Intensive driving courses include both theoretical and practical training components, which means you get a comprehensive learning experience. Theoretical training covers everything from the Highway Code to road safety. Practical training covers actual driving experience, including manoeuvres and on-road experience. All of our courses are structured to include everything you need to learn to drive, pass your test, and become a competent and confident driver.


Undertaking an intensive driving course at Surrey Driving Force is an effective and cost-efficient way to learn to drive and become a competent and confident driver. With experienced instructors, a safe and supportive learning environment, and a comprehensive curriculum, intensive driving courses offer everything you need to pass your test and get on the road. At Surrey Driving Force, we take pride in delivering quality driving training that is tailored to your individual needs and requirements. Let us be your partner on your journey to becoming a confident driver today.