Driving on a dual carriageway for the first time can be a little nerve-wracking for inexperienced drivers due to the fact that motorists on the same road are likely to be travelling at much faster speeds than on other roads.
What is a Dual Carriageway?
The term dual carriageway refers to a stretch of road which has some form of physical barrier between the opposing sides of the road. This barrier usually takes the form of a grass verge in the centre of the road and may or may not have a crash barrier.
Dual carriageways are usually 2 or more lanes travelling in the same direction but regardless of the amount of lanes, will actually remain a single carriageway unless the opposing sides of the road are separated by a physical barrier.
Dealing With Fast Moving Traffic
Once you reach this section of your driving tuition, you will already be proficient in many aspects of driving and we will now teach you how to deal with fast moving traffic on dual carriageways, along with dealing with slip roads, safely overtaking other road users and dealing with the extra hazards caused by fast moving traffic on dual carriageways.
By the time you have mastered this section of your driving tuition, you will be able to:
- Comfortably and safely join a dual carriageway from a slip road;
- Comfortably and safely leave a dual carriageway;
- Wherever necessary, safely cross or turn right from a dual carriageway;
- Drive safely along the road using excellent lane discipline whilst using the two second rule;
- Maintain a safe and suitable speed and overtake other vehicles whenever necessary;
- Use the Hazard Drill appropriately whenever need;
- Demonstrate a high level of awareness of what is taking place in front and behind your vehicle.
The following video from https://www.learnerdriving.com explores this in further detail.