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For the previous 5 years, a crucial part of all driving tests is demonstrating an ability to drive in a way that emphasizes eco safe driving techniques.

What is Eco Driving?

Eco driving is the modern method of driving which has been created to ensure drivers reach their destination in the most cost effective, safe and eco-friendly way possible.

Driving with high engine revolutions (high RPM), consumes more fuel, costs money and causes significant CO2 emissions and air pollutants with negative environmental impacts.  The teaching of techniques designed to lower RPMs whilst driving will help to instil avoidable sequences of acceleration and braking will lower fuel efficiency.

By following the theory of always putting “Safety First”, Eco driving enables a highly fuel-efficient, smart and relaxed driving style without any loss of time.

ECO Safe Driving Tips

It’s a good start to try to follow the tips listed. However, to achieve best possible effects you should also attend an Eco driving training given by a qualified driving instructor.

Below are a list of handy tips taken from the website.


Always try to use the vehicle controls as smoothly as possible, with particular attention to:

  • starting and moving away
  • accelerating
  • using gears
  • driving at an appropriate speed

This reduces wear and tear on your vehicle and will help in reducing CO2.


Reduce harmful emissions by anticipating road traffic conditions and acting in good time, rather than reacting to them at the last moment, especially:

  • showing hazard awareness and planning
  • making use of engine braking
  • stopping the engine when appropriate

Tips for ‘eco-safe’ driving and riding

Follow these tips as a guide to safe driving or riding for economy:

  • check your tyres regularly and keep at recommended pressure
  • don’t carry unnecessary weight
  • remove roof-rack or luggage boxes when not needed to reduce air resistance
  • don’t exceed speed limits, accelerate gently
  • consider using cruise control where it would be appropriate
  • turn off your engine if you’re likely to have a prolonged wait
  • use air conditioning only when you need to
  • plan your route to avoid known congestion points
  • try to travel during off-peak times

Further Information

If you would like any further details regarding the driving tuition available from Surrey Driving Force, please give us a call on 0845 190 2012 & we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

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