Thoughts of messing up and failing the practical test are all easy to jump into our minds, and it will only be a matter of time before the all too familiar feelings of sweating hands and knotted stomachs start to set in, resulting in less than ideal conditions to learn how to drive.
Nerves are the main reason that it takes so many of us so long to have that first driving lesson. Far more learner drivers experience anxiety when thinking about starting their lessons than when they are actually sat behind the wheel for the very first time!
Natural Feelings
Driving anxiety is common across absolutely everyone. For you to have ended up reading this article, shows that nerves are at least playing on your mind but it is important to know that these feelings are natural and can be effectively dealt with!
“Anxiety is commonly defined as the feeling of dread over something that is unlikely to happen. Anxiety is a feeling of fear” (source @ Wikipedia)
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ― Paulo Coelho
Fear of Attempting Something New
It is crucial that you are not too hard on yourself if the nerves begin to appear. Fear of trying something new is only natural but with the right help, it can be conquered.
By taking the time to go over the fundamentals of driving, constantly practicing and familiarizing yourself with the activity you fear. You also need to understand about typical errors that individual’s make and how to prevent them.
Where To Start?
When feeling nervous, the only place that we can look is at ourselves. When do the nerves begin? Are we doing anything in particular? Are we focusing on the worst case scenario? Are our worst fears likely to be realised? It is important to take a break whenever you start feeling anxious and carry on when you have calmed down.
Learning to drive with an experienced driving instructor can also help a lot especially in building your confidence to drive. Additionally, instructors can point out where you did wrong and correct it.